CuReNtly uNtiTLeD quEEn
60 x 48
a series on ‘Lady Justice’ SOLD
‘aNNie R u OK?, r U oK aNNie’ The enforcer and a nod to Annie Oakley
‘Tug a wAR’ The philosopher
‘qUEEn justice heavy tHe crOwn’ The overseer
‘iN tHe BaTTle justUS jAnE’ The fighter
all 48 x 36
dReaM wiTh mE
60 x 48 acrylic and resin
60 x 48 acrylic, mixed media and resin.
bRoKen cRaYOns cAn coLoR tHE briGHTest- SOLD
108 x 48
stiChED bAcK toGETher
60 x 48
piNK sOLidiERs
60 x 60 hand strached. shes a big one
foLLoW the raBbiT
48 x 24 inches
iNfiNitE rOsEs
48 x 48 acrylic and resin
roCK n roLL meRmAiD
piNk tAx
bEauTifUl uNderGrouNd
48 x 48
leT’s gO… tOdAY
60 x 48
thINgs wE neVER goT tO sAy
96 x 48
THroUGh tHE bRoKen wALL cOMeS tHe LiGht
tHe bAb’s
Introducing the series of bad ass bitches. fairy tales with ending they write…
uNtiTLeD 3
cOmpAnioN PieCeS
liTtLE rED riDiNG hoOD
LiTtle rEd diTcHes thE hOoD
It all begins with an idea.
SnOw wHiTe iSnT hUnGry
SnOw wHiTe saYs nO to tHe ApPLe
uNtitlEd aLicE
sometimes something happens that completely changes a direction in a piece, in those moments…it is therapy
36” x 36” acrylic and resin
Untie my knots
48” x 48” Acrylic, oil, resin
sPiN oUT
I see YOU
48” x 48” Acrylic, oil, resin
All eyes are on US
72” x 54” Acrylic, oil and resin